Present Study

The Present Study: its Delimitations and Limitations

The sample of the present study has been selected from the colleges and the university teaching departments affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar shukla university Raipur (Chhattisgarh) on the stratified incidental-cum-random basis the Eysenckian model of extraversion neuroticism and psychoticism dimensions has been used for developing hypotheses and interpreting findings of the present study keeping in mind these things the following delimitations and limitations have been registered here.

  1. Since only college students have been included in the study the power of generalization of the findings seems to be delimited to the college students population.
  2. Since only the Eysenck’s personality model has been used as a base for interpreting the findings on narcissism the power of generalization to the entire domain of personality seems to be delimited to Eysenkian extraversion neuroticism and  psychoticism intelligence needs inclusion in further studies for collecting direct evidences of the relation between intelligence and narcissism
  3. Since college students of six educational faculties have been studied the findings are applicable only to the students of agriculture science social science medical engineering and commerce faculties only.
  4. Due to limited number of cases available in each cell of a (2) factorial design the interaction effect of (personality dimension) x (sex) x (educational faculty) upon narcissism has not been studied.
  5. Since limited number of college students have been studied under each faculty faculty-wise normative data based indices have not been developed for the present narcissism scale.